Track Regulations

flaga PL flaga ENG flaga DE flaga RUS


  1. The purpose of cart driving is pleasant entertainment and familiarising with motorisation.
  2. It is necessary to adhere to instructions of the personnel to ensure safety on the track.
  3. Applicable:
    • One driving direction,
    • Collisions are absolutely forbidden,
    • It is forbidden to push at the same time a brake and an accelerator.
  4. Driving takes place between white lines and tyres marking the track; running into them is absolutely forbidden.
  5. It is forbidden to enter the track or get off a cart when other carts are moving. In case of getting blocked on the track, raise your hand.
  6. A user drives at his own risk.
  7. If a user fails to adhere to the regulations or instructions of the personnel he may be excluded from further driving. Furthermore, the personnel is entitled to stop the race (driving) at any time with no reimbursement of admission fees. (Reprimand, slowing down a cart, excluding a contestant).
  8. A user drives at his own risk and he must obligatorily wear a safety helmet.
  9. Persons under influence of alcohol or drugs may not use carts.
  10. A participant is obliged to have a safety balaclava worn under helmet and a helmet. Children should additionally have a neck guard.
  11. Participant’s outfit should be complete. It is recommended to secure other items which may be pulled in by moving elements of a cart and tie up long hair.
  12. The owner is not liable for damage caused to a user due to actions of other clients and for items left in the facility.
  13. A participant or his guardian bears full civil and penal liability for damage to any person or property caused by him or his charge while using the track.

Flag signals on the track, applicable during the competition:

  • BLUE - warning to the rider, let the overtaking ones pass
  • YELLOW - danger on route - speed limit, no overtaking
  • GREEN - free track, emergency cancellation
  • RED - all stop, or go to the boxes
  • BLACK - player exclusion
  • BLACK and WHITE - warning for unsportsmanlike driving
  • Chessboard - end of race, exit to boxes


Bezpieczeństwo na torze

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  • safety-icon
  • safety-icon
  • safety-icon
  • safety-icon
  • safety-icon
  • safety-icon